Girona FC will participate in a blockchain-based pilot test to allow fans back to Montilivi Stadium
The on-app based project “Obrir Girona” will guarantee covid-free pass to different events and activities in the city.
Girona FC will take part on a test, unique in Spain, to allow fans back in Montilivi Stadium after a year playing behind closed doors. The aim of the project “Obrir Girona” (Open Girona) is to assure that some events and activities can open to the Covid-free public. The Blockchain Center of Catalonia; formed by Barcelona’s and Girona’s Chambers of Commerce and the Catalan Government, is leading the initiative using the blockchain technology to secure all the process.
The Club is working closely with LaLiga to present the project to the highest sport authority in Spain, the Consejo Superior de Deportes.
What is “Obrir Girona”?
This project will start last week of February and will have all pharmacist in the city as warrants of the validation and introduction of the data of people vaccinated or with serological test cleared (6 months) or a negative antigens tests that will be valid for 48 hours. All this data will be introduced in an App and these users will be allowed to attend football matches, cultural or social activities that will take place in Girona during March, by just showing this digital certificate. The outcome of this test will help as guide for other cities in the country.
AOKpass is the technologic basis of the project. Is a blockchain-based platform and APP that will allow users to verify safety their health status to others but protecting their personal data, that will be encrypted and never leave the own device. The health certificate is not stored in any external database or centralized system what makes them more vulnerable to hacking.
This digital health pass is promoted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the largest enterprise organization in the world (over 45 million companies and around 1.200 workers), that has the position to push the AOKpass as international standard. The Catalan Commerce Chambers are members of the ICC and will help the implementation in Catalonia.
The pathfinder objective of “Obrir Girona” is to turn the city into a sandbox for a few weeks, putting together the social and economic actors of all kind and develop events (restaurants, theatres, commercial initiatives, or sporting events…).
The blockchain technology motto is “Blockchain for Hope, Blockchain for Happiness, Blockchain for Good” to bring hope and happiness to the people through technology.